St. John Lutheran "Brick" Church 196 Brick Church Road Montgomery PA 17752 (570) 547- 6423
WITH TRUE JOY we welcome all who have come to worship. You are here. God is here. Who knows what marvelous gifts the Holy Spirit may give us in this hour?
St John Lutheran "Brick" Church is a community of faith that proclaims the Gospel by empowering ALL people to worship, learn, and serve as Disciples of Christ.
Communion 1st & 3rd
"I will arise and go to my father and say, I have sinned against heaven and before you."
Our 8:30 am Service
will be live streamed
each Sunday.
(Brick Church)
on Facebook
about 8:26 am Click here to connect Live
Synodical Authorized Minister
Gordner's Unityville
4/2 - Mid-Week Lenten Service 6:30PM
4/9 - Mt Zion Hughesville
Mid-Week Lenten Service
Each service will start at 6:30PM with refreshments to follow each service.